
appendTo(elements, [attributes])

Each element in the collection is appended to the specified elements and the original collection returned.;

If elements is an element name string and an attributes object is supplied, or if elements is an array of element names, then new elements will be created and appended for each element in the collection:
    // Append to single created element
    .appendTo('g', {})
    // Append to multiple created elements
    .append(['g', 'symbol']);

The attributes object is optional when an array of element names is passed, but required if a single element name is passed (otherwise, the single element name would be treated as a CSS selector).

If the collection contains multiple elements, each specified element gets cloned after it is first appended.

Pablo(['g', 'g'])
// the #foo element is appended to the first <g>
// then it is cloned before being appended to the second <g>
Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.
Pablo Picasso