

Returns the value of the named CSS property from the first element in the collection.

var rect = Pablo.rect({
    style: 'fill:orange; cursor:pointer'

alert(rect.css('cursor')); // 'pointer'

Note, this is not the computed style. This method only returns the value of CSS properties that have been set directly on the element, not those set in any stylesheet.

css(property, value)

Sets the named property to the specified value, for all elements in the collection and returns the collection.

var svg = Pablo(demoElement).svg({height:100}),
    rect  = svg.rect({
        width: 200,
        height: 100

rect.css('fill', 'green');

Styles set on elements with .css() will override CSS rules set in stylesheets - unlike style properties set with the .attr() method.


Sets multiple styles (specified as an object), for all elements in the collection and returns the collection.

var svg = Pablo(demoElement).svg({height:100}),
    rect  = svg.rect({
        width: 200,
        height: 100

rect.css({fill:'black', opacity:0.4});

Autodetection of browser vendor-prefixes

The css() method will automatically convert CSS properties into their browser vendor-prefixed version - e.g. from transition to -webkit-transition.

var svg = Pablo(demoElement).svg({height:100}),
    square = svg.rect({
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        fill: 'purple'
    opacity = 1;

// Automatically apply vendor-prefixes to `transition`
square.css('transition', 'opacity 0.5s');

// Toggle opacity, set attribute & repeat
function changeOpacity(){
    opacity = opacity ? 0 : 1;
    square.attr('opacity', opacity);
    window.setTimeout(changeOpacity, 500);

Vendor prefixes

CSS properties are automatically converted into their browser vendor-prefixed version - e.g. from transition to -webkit-transition.

var svg = Pablo(demoElement).svg({height:100}),
    square = svg.rect({
        width: 100,
        height: 100,
        fill: 'purple'
    opacity = 1;

// Automatically apply vendor-prefixes to `transition`
square.css('transition', 'opacity 0.5s');

// Toggle opacity, set attribute & repeat
function changeOpacity(){
    opacity = opacity ? 0 : 1;
    square.attr('opacity', opacity);
    window.setTimeout(changeOpacity, 500);
Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.
Pablo Picasso