Adds the listener to each element in the collection, for the event type
, e.g. 'click'
or 'mouseout'
, and returns the collection.
To set the listener for multiple event types, supply them as a space-separated list, e.g. mouseover touchstart
specifies whether the listener should be executed in the capturing (true
) or bubbling phase (false
, the default). See MDN’s addEventListener page for more details.
var svg = Pablo(demoElement).svg({height:100}),
shape = svg.path(),
pathStrings = [
'm2,50l0,0c0,-26 21,-47 47,-47l0,0c12,0 24,5 33,13c9,9 14,21 14,33l0,0c0,26 -21,47 -47,47l0,0c-26,0 -47,-21 -47,-47l0,0z',
'm2,11l0,0c0,-5 4,-9 9,-9l4,0l0,0l20,0l37,0c2,0 4,0 6,2c1,1 2,4 2,6l0,23l0,0l0,14l0,0c0,5 -4,9 -9,9l-37,0l-26,24l6,-24l-4,0c-5,0 -9,-4 -9,-9l0,0l0,-14l0,0l0,-23l0,-0z',
function drawShape(){
var hue = Math.round(Math.random() * 360),
sat = Math.round(Math.random() * 100),
fill = 'hsl('+hue+','+sat+'%,50%)',
i = Math.floor(Math.random() * pathStrings.length);
shape.attr({d:pathStrings[i], fill:fill});
svg.on('touchstart click', drawShape)